It never rains but it pours. Since Christmas I’ve been called out to three of my clients’ offices because the multi-functional printers we’d supplied them had been flooded with water!
Although rented machines remain our property, they’re insured by the customer and I know it can take time for their insurance claims to be processed. I value the relationship I have with my clients so, if they rely on their machine, I make it my priority to ensure they can keep on operating.
One of the many services I offer is to loan them a similar printer, or even a brand new one, as a stop-gap replacement for the machine that’s been damaged for whatever reason, even by flood.
Multi-Functional Printers
One of my clients runs a business centre with serviced offices for small firms in Dorking. I supply them with a Canon multi-functional printer which sits in the main reception so that everyone can use it. They all have their own access codes so they can be charged correctly for usage at the end of the month. I know that it’s crucial that the machine is always available.
Unfortunately, the other weekend, there had been a power cut and when the electricity came on again, the centre’s automatic flush toilets switched themselves permanently on, flooding the reception. The paper tray on the printer ended up full of paper maché and the machine was totally dead by the time its owner came in on the Monday morning.
Fortunately, Trio Systems was able to get a new machine to them within a few days. We usually work with our regular delivery company to get a machine to a client as soon as we can, even if we have to rearrange other deliveries to get a loan machine onto the lorry.
Then we transferred all the users’ personal codes onto the new machine and they were ready to go, while we were able to liaise with insurance companies and get the claim dealt with.
If you’re looking for that extra bit of customer care or you’re interested in finding out more about how we supply your multi-functional printer needs, then please get in contact at Trio Systems or call on 020 8893 4455.
Brought to you in collaboration with Bill Blogs